Click here for Glassblowing School/Class/Studio/Artist Geographical Search with 32 Criteria!

The #1 question I am asked is: Is there a glassblowing school or glassblowing studio offering glassblowing classes near me? Steinert Industries has the best list of glassblowing schools. I want to acknowledge, with gratitude, Steinert making the list of schools available on the web, which helped me so much! Steinert is a family business, and glassblowers say what nice folks they are. Here is a state-by-state list which links to Steinert's Glassblowing Schools web page:
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado
Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey
New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee
Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington DC Washington (state)
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming        

If you are a glassblowing teacher, you can ADD YOUR SCHOOL/STUDIO via filling out Steinert's form.

Jeremie Draper of sent me the following two lists of schools
which offer the BFA and MFA respectively.
These lists are derived from information provided by the Glass Art Society

Schools offering a Bachelors in Fine Arts (BFA) in Glass:

Alberta Alberta College of Art & Design - Calgary
California California College of the Arts - Oakland campus - Oakland
California College of the Arts - San Francisco - San Francisco
California State University, Chico - Chico
California State University, Fullerton - Fullerton
Illinois Illinois State University - Normal
Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Carbondale
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Urbana
(website reports this program may be temporarily suspended)
Massachusetts Massachusetts College of Arts - Boston
Michigan College for Creative Studies - Detroit
New Jersey Rowan University - Glassboro
New York New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University - Alfred
Ohio Columbus College of Art & Design - Columbus
Kent State University - Kent
Ohio State University - Columbus
The Cleveland Institiute of Art - Cleveland
Pennsylvania Tyler School of Art - Elkins Park
Rhode Island Rhode Island School of Design - Providence
Tennessee Tennessee Technological University - Cookeville

Schools offering a Masters in Fine Arts (MFA) in Glass:

Illinois Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Carbondale
New York Rochester Institute of Technology - Rochester
Ohio Bowling Green State University - Bowling Green
Kent State University - Kent
Ohio State University - Columbus
Rhode Island Rhode Island School of Design - Providence
Virginia Virginia Commonwealth University - Richmond


Another list of College and University Schools offering Glass Programs

The following is a list of 53 colleges and universities
that offer glass programs and are on the Glass Art Society (GAS) mailing list.

Academy of Art College
Alfred University School of Art & Design
Anderson University Glass Program
Anoka-Ramsey Community College
Appalachian Center for Crafts
Augustana College
Bakersfield College
Bowling Green State University
Bucks County Community College
California College of Arts
California Polytechnic State Univ.
California State University at Chico
California State University Dept. of Art - San Bernadino
California State University Fullerton - Art Dept.
Carnegie Mellon University
Central College
Centre College
Chadron State College
Cleveland Institute of Art - Glass Dept.
Coastal Bend College - Visual Arts Division
College for Creative Studies
Columbus College of Art & Design
Cornish College of the Arts
CSU Fresno
Dragonfly Designs/Ohlone College
Emporia State University Art Dept.
Franklin Pierce College, Glass Dept./Art
Georgia Southwestern State University, Art Dept.
Harrisburg Area Community College
Hartford Art School, University of Hartford
Hartwick College, Art Dept., Glass
Hastings College
Illinois State University at Normal
Jacksonville University
Kent State University
Longwood College Art Dept.
Massachusetts College of Art
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Northeastern Junior College
Ohio State University Art Dept.
Ohlone College
Palomar College, Art Dept.
Rhode Island School of Design - Glass Dept.
Rochester Institute of Technology, CIAS-SAC
Rochester Institute of Technology, FAS-Sculpture
Salem Community College Glass Center
Salem State College
Salisbury University Glass Program
San Francisco State University Art Dept.
San Jose State University School of Art & Design
Santa Ana College
Santa Monica College
Shasta College
Sonoran Glass Art Academy
Southern Illinois University
The Studio of The Corning Museum of Glass
The University of Akron - Myers School of Art
Tulane University
Tyler School of Art, Temple University
Univ. of Wisconsin, River Falls 
University of Hawaii Art Dept.
University of Illinois - School of Art & Design 
University of Miami
University of Miami, Dept. of Art & Art History
University of Michigan, Dearborn
University of Montana Western
University of Nebraska at Kearney, Art & Art History
University of Texas at Arlington Dept. of Art
University of the Arts, Craft Dept.
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Virginia Commonwealth University

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