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Caithness Paperweight Books

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Glassblower.Info Amazon book Caithness Paperweights (1st Edition) : The Charlton Standard Catalogue by Colin Terris ISBN 0889682380Caithness Paperweights (1st Edition) : The Charlton Standard Catalogue
By Colin Terris

Covering Caithness Glass Paperweights in chronological order (from the Planets set issued in 1969 to the Millenium Collection released in 1999), this catalogue describes each paperweight (including na
An informative and comprehensive overview of Caithness Paperwieghts.

Number of Pages: 525
Shipping Weight: 2.0

ISBN-10: 0889682380
ISBN-13: 978-0889682382

Glassblower.Info Amazon book Caithness Paperweights: A Charlton Standard Catalogue, Second Edition by Colin Terris ISBN 0889682445Caithness Paperweights: A Charlton Standard Catalogue, Second Edition
By Colin Terris

The 2nd edition of Caithness Paperweights,, A Charlton Standard Catalogue, was released in 2004. This 432-page standard reference for Caithness Paperweights is a ‘must have’ guide for the paperweight
The first edition of Caithness Paperweights was issued in 1999. The newly released second edition updates the listings to 2004. Over 475 weights have been added since 1999, and new discoveries, weight
Collin Terris, since the first edition was published, has retired from Caithness Glass, but was instrumental in guiding the second edition through the revision process. Over 2,800 weights are listed,
Within the Caithness section the weights are listed by the year they were issued, and for the years 1969 to 1997 the weights are then listed numerically by the CT number assigned to the weight. For th

Number of Pages: 432
Shipping Weight: 1.6

ISBN-10: 0889682445
ISBN-13: 978-0889682443